XERO, MYOB, Reckon, Quickbooks & Cash Flow Manager

We’re here to help you with all of your accounting needs.
From Start-Up to Long-Term Management, KMA provides personalised services to efficiently manage your accounts

How We Can Help You


We’re here to help you. Our services aim to save you time and money and obtain you the best value from your consultations with Dianne Armbrust.

We can recommend and provide software to meet your requirements. We set up and help maintain clients’ accounts online, PC or Mac, with bank feeds.

At your request we can arrange for regular BAS reminders and a reasonably priced business services package tailored to your needs.

Why You Should Choose Us


Accurate, bank-reconciled and reliable accounting records with correctly classified transactions readily provide the information your accountant needs when preparing your returns. Rather than checking that all the numbers are in the right place your accountant should be focused on the bigger picture, identifying opportunities for your tax benefit and formulating valuable advice.

Under tax law, if you are carrying on a business you must keep records that record and explain all transactions and the methodology used to derive an estimate, determination or calculation.

Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

myob essentials

A Simple, Cost Effective & Accurate System for Completing Business Activity Statements (BAS)

  • MYOB Essentials (cloud accounting) provide a range of tools and services to help accountants and business clients streamline their accounting requirements
  • It’s secure! At no time are we able to access any of your banking details or operate your account.  You will still receive your regular copies of statements.
  • You can track your invoices yourself. Just logon to MYOB Essentials anytime to create and send invoices to your clients. Then match the bank deposits against the invoices when your customers pay you. You can easily run sales reports in MYOB to chase up outstanding receivable accounts, to help you get paid sooner.
  • We work with you! Each month or quarter we work together to remotely code the other transactions, and check the GST on your tax invoices when necessary. 

MYOB Professional partner

We Partner With MYOB To Ensure We Get The Most For You

  • Through our partnership we can provide the most up to date and accurate insights into your accounts
  • As a partner, MYOB provides us with the new release information to ensure we are providing you with the most recent and up to date information
  • We have full access to MYOB for their assistance if required, therefore guaranteeing a speedy resolve for any issues that may arise with the program


Keep Everything Organised With High Quality Software

  • Quickbooks:
    • Track, compile & prepare documents, invoices & more
  • Reckon:
    • Easy to use software for payroll, invoices & more for both large and small businesses
  • Cash Flow Manager:
    • Manage your accounts and track your incoming & outgoing expenses with ease

For more information on how we can help you, schedule an appointment today.